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The barons are the closest people to King William they look after his land.

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Q: What do barons do to protect king William?
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Who promised to fight for the barons for 40 days?

The knights from King William's army promised to fight for the barons for 40 days each year.

When did William Barons die?

William Barons died in 1505.

Who were the most powerful people in William the 1 reign?

After King William I (William the Conquer), the Norman Barons would have been the most powerful.

How do you know about barons in 1066?

The French noblemen who followed William the Conqueror in his enterprise, were rewarded with English land grants in fief by the new king. They swore to William feudal oath becoming Barons of England.

How did the feudal system make it easier for king william to control the english?

because the land was dived to the barons

What was the baron with the king?

Barons were under king. Barons were given land to rule .

When did William introduce thew Feudal System?

It started when he became king in 1066. The feudal system was with the king at the top then the barons then came the knights then the peasant's.

Who were the local government in medieval times in medieval England?

king William, the barons, the knights etc.... all the way down the fuedal system.

Did William the conqueror's barons knights and soldiers swore loyalty to him so that they would fight for him whenever they were asked to?

Yes, the Barons promised William loyalty and Knights, and the Knights promised loyalty to their Barons and 40 days a year of service in William's army.

What is the magna Carter and what change did it cause?

Jonh and the barons signed magna carta in order to protect the rights of the barons and knights, but it did protect the ordinary people too.

Did the Barons kill King John?

they did

Why did William set up the fendal system in England?

To show that he was at the top of the system and no one else was better then him.The system went abit like this: King William The barons Then the Knights Then the peasants