

What do angolians speak?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Angolians speak portuguese

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What do angolians speak?
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They are called Angolans.

Why did the United states and the Soviet union participate in Angola's civil war?

They wanted to help out the angolians and take them as their own

Why is Angola so poor?

Angola has oil and they come in 16th place in world ranking but the leadership is very bad they do not know haw ro run a country they are ignorant so that is what makes it seem like Angolians are poor but really they are richer than you think and for those leaders bad is coming for them whatever you plant is what you get back in the end. :)

Future tense of speak?

The future tense of "speak" is "will speak" or "shall speak."

What are common phrases using the word speak?

Some common phrases using the word speak are: on (or not on) speaking terms with someone; speak English, speak ill of someone; speak ill of the dead; speak in rhymes; speak no good of someone; speak of the dead; speak no evil; speak out; speak softly and carry a big stick; speak the truth; speak truth to power; speak to me; speak up; think before you speak

What is the present infinitive of speak?

The present infinitive of "speak" is "to speak."

What does the German word spechen mean in English?

Sprechen: to speak I speak You speak He speaks We speak You all speak They speak Hope that helped :)

How can you conjugate To speak?

To conjugate "to speak" in English, you would use the base form "speak" for present tense (I speak, you speak, he/she speaks, we speak, they speak), the past tense "spoke" (I spoke, you spoke, he/she spoke, we spoke, they spoke), and the past participle "spoken" (I have spoken, you have spoken, he/she has spoken, we have spoken, they have spoken).

Can you speak with or speak to?

either... usually speak with I think that speak with is a more gentle approach eg. I will try to speak with her, Whereas speak to sounds more confrontational eg I will speak to her about the problem

Can kangaroos speak English?

No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.

What is the future tense of speak?

The future tense is "will speak"

What is correct you speak different your you speak differently?

you speak differently