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Q: What do amazon tribes make there shelters out of?
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How do amazon tribes make cloths?

they kill animals and eat them. or have a party

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woods and sticks

How does some tribes depend on jungle?

rock shelters r depicted in these forests .

What tribes get affected by the floods in the Amazon?

when the amazon floods it wipes out all vegetation the tribes have to just eat fish and other creatures that live in the Amazon river

What tribes live in UK?

There aren't tribes in the UK, its not the amazon rainforest!

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What tribes live in the amazon?

native indians live in the amazon rainforest

How many shelters are non profit organizations?

there is about 506 shelters that don't make money there is about 506 shelters that don't make money

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What types of tribes are there in the amazon?

About tolololol

What did cro magnon make as shelters?

Caves and rock shelters.