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Q: What do Indian hand gestures mean what do native Indians use hand gestures for?
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Was the US government justified in it actions regarding the Indian removal act and the Trail of Tears?

In my opinion no,they were kinda stealing the land from the native Americans "not Indians",but on the other hand that is a bad question because it is a moral question,so the answer really depends on your view/standpoint/opinion.

If you're one-quarter Indian does that make you one?

According to Red Wolf, a native American, "MORE THAN 20 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES ARE OF NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN MIXED BLOOD. IF YOU HAVE ONE DROP OF INDIAN BLOOD, YOU ARE INDIAN. WALK THE INDIAN PATH AS YOUR HEART FEELS". Don't forget all the Indians in Asian India. Whether you are a member of a particular ethnic group if you have one parent from that group, one grandparent, one great-grandparent, or "one drop of blood" (an obsolete and racist way of saying "any ancestry no matter how small") is a matter of how you and the culture you live in looks at things. There is no universal agreement on this point. In the days of American segregation, having a great-great-grandparent who was black would make you black - as long as your skin was also dark. The Nazis held that anyone was Jewish if they had one grandparent who was Jewish. Advocates for Native Americans, who want to preserve Native identity in the face of widespread intermarriage with descendants of Europeans over the centuries, will say that anyone with any native ancestry is a native American - thus leaving it to the individual to discover and assert that connection. On the other hand, US government criteria for recognizing a Native American for purposes of receiving government benefits is more restrictive.

Describe the impact of europeans on Native American Indian cultures?

well; it depends on what your talking about by "native American" if you mean like the native American people (indians): the European explorers forced them out of their lands and homes. if you mean "Native American" like the original colonies and stuff-the European Culture had GREAT effects on our early early American culture-about the time the 13 colonies were established.

How did the European explorers communicate with the native Americans?

He used gestures and the natives and the explorers started learning each other's languages. It probably didn't matter because the explorer's didn't care about the Indians, all they wanted was land and riches.

Why did the southwest Indians make their houses out of clay instead of bark and wood like the Indians in the northeast?

Most of the areas in the Southwest are not heavily forested, and most of the plant life consists of prairie grasses and scrub brush. So the native tribes used the material at hand, fashioning clay and straw into adobe bricks.

Related questions

Why is it important to use hand gestures?

Hand gestures are important because you can communicate whether it being with the audience or a partner.

What is the appropriate gestures for Mexico?

Most western gestures are recognized in Mexico, such as the OK, thumbs up, check please or crossed fingers gestures. On the other hand, most offensive gestures are also recognized and can get you in trouble, such as the finger, the fig or the talk to the hand gestures.

Are hand gestures viewed as a defense mechanism?

No, the hand gestures are not viewed as a defense mechanism but communication mechanism. Some of the hand gestures that is viewed as a defense mechanism includes crossed arms with fists and arm crossed with thumbs.

What are some hand gestures used in Iceland?

Avoid brisk and large gestures, and speak calmly!there are the gestures in iceland. Avoid brisk and large gestures, and speak calmly!there are the gestures in iceland.

What weapons did Indians use in the french and Indian war?

The flintlock, smooth bore musket was the most common weapon used by the French, English, and Indians during the French and Indian War. Toward the end of the war, all sides used bayonets. The Indians used hand-to-hand combat at times.

What are some hand gestures?

Some common hand gestures include waving, pointing, giving a thumbs up, and making a peace sign. Hand gestures can vary widely in meaning across different cultures and social contexts.

What does it mean if you are a Native Indian you hold stones in your hand and they turn red?

It means you have power, or you are bleeding.

This was used in place of written language by some Native American people?

Sign language was used in place of written language by some Native American people. This was a visual means of communication utilizing hand signals and gestures.

What do hand gestures mean?

movements you make with your hand eg. pointing at something.

What do Athlete hand gestures mean?

Athlete hand gestures could mean different things based upon which position they are, and the situation. For example, a quarterback may make gestures as to what the play is going to be, and a receiver or running back could make celebration gestures after making a big play.

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What are the two accessories that Indian ladies like to wear on their hand?

United States Indians where what they call in-gu-ma,meaning gauntlet for hands,its an Indian usage.