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Animal such as deer.

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Q: What do Erie Indians hunt with?
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What did Erie Indians use for tools?

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The Erie Indians lived in wigwams

What food did the Erie Indians tribe eat?

The erie indians ate Squirrel,rabbit,deer and fish

What great lake is named after an Indian culture?

Lake Erie for the Erie Indians. This was answered by Zonka.

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they hunt farts

Is Lake Erie an Indian name?

Yes. It comes from the Iroquois tribe known as the Erie Indians, Erie short for Erielhonan which means "long tail" in Iroquois.

What crafts did the Erie Indians make?

They made pottery and jewelry.

What did Paleo Indians hunt for?

The paleo Indians ate bison,mammoth,and large ground sloths.

What did the hopi Indians hunt?

They did not hunt they farmed corn, beans, and squash.

What did the Paleo Indians hunt with?

paleo Indians hunted with spear heads