It depends on the craft which they are trained for. There are many. If the question refers to the brand name Craftsmen, they make tools of excellent quality with a lifetime guarantee.
they made silver
They typically made them, or had local craftsmen make them.
farming planted a lot of corn) craftsmen
skilled craftsmen
ancient Egyptian Craftsmen/Workers would prepare themselves for their next creative session by cleaning up their hut/ mud house.
they made silver
They typically made them, or had local craftsmen make them.
Craftsmen do not make food, they make furniture, tools, jewelry, and various other useful or decorative objects, but not food. Food is prepared by cooks and chefs, from ingredients produced by farmers.
it can be used for the war and hunting.
There is no standard collective noun for craftsmen, in which case a noun that suits the situation can be used, for example, a group of craftsmen, a studio of craftsmen, a cooperative of craftsmen, etc.
the craftsmen and the merchants went around asking people if they need help instead of staying at the shop all day
the craftsmen and the merchants went around asking people if they need help instead of staying at the shop all day
Craftsmen painted for the dead alive and for creatvity
Most of our artists are skilled craftsmen.
farming planted a lot of corn) craftsmen
People who make something with their own hands - furniture, paintings, etc.
Craftsmen Industries was created in 1977.