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since most colonists were self-sufficient they valued their own freedom highly.

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Q: What diversity of people and ideas existed in the British colonies in the 1770?
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What diversity of people and ideas existed in the British colonies in the 1770s?

Honestly thats what i am trying to find out.... i am secretluy wishing that if i make up a random # i will find out ;D

How did different life create cultural diversity in the colonies?

People live in different reigions

Most people in the British colonies were?


What was some Diversity in the 13 colonies?

there were all kinds of diversity. there were puritans, separatists, Jews, dutch, many different diverse colonies. many people came from Europe and other scame for religious freedom

Why did the British colonies decide to form a new country?

The British colonies formed a new country because they were being treated differently by the British people from the mainland.

British name for people in English colonies?

the Indians

Where did the people living in the British colonies come from?


Where did the British colonies get their people from?

They were mostly from Europe and primitive America.

What was the result of the land shortage in the British colonies?

There were a number of things that happened as a result of a land shortage in the British colonies. People fought for the land available for example.

Was the middle colonies home to people of many different religions?

Yes, the middle colonies were known for their religious diversity. Quakers, Catholics, Lutherans, and other religious groups lived together in harmony in colonies such as Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. This diversity and tolerance for different faiths were key characteristics of the middle colonies.

What were the disadvantages of the British empire?

Colonies rebelledslaveryKilled innocent people (natives)

What affects did anglicization have on the colonies?

"It made people living in the colonies adapt to British rule, (even fashions)..." -JAAY