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Q: What disease brought by the Spanish ravaged native tribes leaving the vulnerable to conquest?
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How spanish conquest affected the people of America?

The disease is the small pox. Brought over by the Columbian Exchange.

How did the Aztec die out?

the Spanish conquest and the disease the Europeans brought with them. Millions of Aztec died from the Spanish people killing them during war.

Which groups benifited least from the spanish conquest?

The Native American peoples who inhabited Mexico before its conquest by Spanish conquistadors. They were massacred, enslaved or died of disease brought by the Spaniards. Some examples include the Mayan, Aztec, Cholultec, Zapotec and many more.

What diseases killed 90 percent of the Maya after the spanish conquest?

Some wierd disease that the spanish called (spanish person)

What was a key factor to the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the 1500's?

The Spanish brought diseases such as smallpox that the natives could not cure, so more natives died from disease than anything else. Also, the Spanish had more deadly weapons such as guns. The Spanish began by cultivating the trust of the Aztecs and then destroyed their empire.

What brought the civilization to an end?

The Spanish destroyed the Inca population when they were most weak. The Spanish were the ones that brought a disease that is now called chicken pox.

What were the effects of Spanish rule on Mexico?

The most important factor in the conquest as disease. The native people of the Americas had no resistance to European diseases.

What brought the Inca civilization to an end?

The Spanish destroyed the Inca population when they were most weak. The Spanish were the ones that brought a disease that is now called chicken pox.

What was the impact of spanish conquest on incas?

The Spanish conquest of the Incas led to the downfall of the Inca Empire and resulted in the widespread death of Indigenous peoples due to violence, disease, and forced labor. The Spanish imposed their culture, religion, and language on the Incas, leading to the loss of traditional practices and knowledge. The conquest also led to the exploitation of Inca resources and wealth by the Spanish crown.

How disease affect the conquest of the Americas.?

many native peoples died because Europeans brought disease germs and native peoples bodies were not strong enough to protect them from small pox and measles.

What role did disease play in Cortes's plan to conquer land for Spain?

Disease played a significant role in Cortes's conquest of Mexico as smallpox, brought by Spanish conquistadors, decimated the Aztec population, weakening their resistance against the Spanish forces. This, combined with other factors such as military tactics and alliances with local tribes, contributed to Cortes's successful campaign to conquer land for Spain.

Who brought Christianity and disease to the new world?

Europeans, although diseases did exist in the new world before the Europeans arrived. They just brought more.