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Q: What disciple of Freud ultimately rebelled against him?
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Was freud on Hitlers hit list?

Yes. Sigmund Freud was a Jew, who wrote about things Hitler did not agree with. So therefore, Hitler wanted Freud dead. They burned all of Freud's book as well.

What is the name of man who founded theory of psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is said to be the founder of psychoanalysis with his focus on unconscious urges and repressed wishes etc. He was not the first person to come up with the theory of an unconsious mind but I don't know who was.

How did sigmund freud influence surrealism?

Surrealism was an art movement that sought to link the wrold of dreams with real life. "Surreal" means "beyond/above reality." This was influenced by Freud, an Austrian physician. Freud believed that a lot of human behavior is beyond reason. -Source: Patterns of Interactions:World History textbook

Who was the Viennese psychologist whose writings were interpreted by Americans as a call for sexual liberation and gratification?

The Viennese psychologist you are referring to is Sigmund Freud. His ideas on psychoanalysis and the unconscious mind were popularized in the United States and often associated with sexual liberation. However, it is important to note that Freud's work encompassed a much broader range of topics and was not solely focused on sexuality.

What ideas of Einstein and freud challenged old ways of thinking?

Freud challenged old ways of thinking as he was essentially the founder of modern psychology. Einstein challenged old ways of thinking by discovering the photoelectric effect which was instrumental in creating quantum theory.

Related questions

Who influenced Freud?

Freud was influenced by various thinkers including philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, physiologist Ernst Brücke, and physician Josef Breuer. Additionally, Freud was impacted by his own clinical experiences with patients, which ultimately led to the development of psychoanalysis.

What is the last name of A deciple of Freud with the first name Alfred?

The disciple of Freud with the first name Alfred is Alfred Adler. He was an Austrian psychiatrist and a key figure in the development of the school of individual psychology.

When was psychoanalysis invented?

It was created in the 1880s by Sigmund Freud.

What did Freud think about whether defense mechanisms are good or bad?

Freud believed that defense mechanisms serve a purpose in protecting individuals from anxiety and distress by distorting reality. However, he also recognized that the overuse or reliance on these mechanisms could lead to maladaptive coping strategies and hinder psychological growth. Ultimately, Freud viewed defense mechanisms as a necessary part of the psyche that must be understood and managed effectively.

What is the name of freud's daughter?

Anna Freud

What is the birth name of Clement Freud?

Clement Freud's birth name is Clement Raphael Freud.

What is the birth name of Emma Freud?

Emma Freud's birth name is Esther Vallencey Freud.

What is the birth name of Esther Freud?

Esther Freud's birth name is Esther Lea Freud.

What is the birth name of Lucian Freud?

Lucian Freud's birth name is Lucian Michael Freud.

What is the proper adjective for Freud?

Freudian is the proper adjective for Freud.

What does freud say about psychosis?

Sigmund Freud viewed psychosis as a defense mechanism against overwhelming inner conflict. He suggested that individuals with psychosis may have unresolved childhood traumas or unresolved unconscious conflicts, leading to a detachment from reality. Freud believed that psychoanalytic therapy could help individuals with psychosis by exploring and resolving these underlying conflicts.

What is Sigmund freud's middle name?

Sigmund Freud's middle name is Schlomo.