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They either go to the toilet and fire out most of their hardened, stinky, foul constipated $hit or they go to the nearest foresty bush and strip naked and gouge out their eyes and burn genitals and eat it. After either one of these are done they go and burn themselves in the fiery pits of the underworld

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Q: What did wealthy Romans do after lunch?
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What were wealthy Romans?

oh well look it up somewhere else i can't find itAll I know is that wealthy Romans are called Patricians.

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How did Romans relax after lunch?

Type your anser there

Where did the Romans eat Inside or out?

They did both. The wealthy had dining rooms and used them at least for their dinners. It was not unknown for a wealthy man to have his lunch in a wine-shop (which always sold food), or to see him walking down the street munching on a honey cake for his breakfast. The poorer Romans would usually take a break from their work and have lunch at one of the many fast food bars. Dinner for the poor could be either at another fast food joint, wine-shop, or they would take food back to their apartment.

What did the Romans eat for lunch breakfast and dinner?


The houses of the wealthy Romans were built around a what?


What did the Romans get from Britain?

the romans got goods, and stole special things from britan. (the british people were rich,wealthy so the romans wanted to take the rich stuff away and they became wealthy). -7th grade teacher

What did female Roman slave do?

The serve wealthy Romans :D

What did the Wealthy Romans ate at breakfast?

bread cheese and raisins

What is Roman house rich Romans lived in these?

TYhe wealthy Romans lived in a domus in the city and a villa if they were in the country.

What problem did wealthy Romans have?

they had i bad time pooping it hurt when they pooped

What types of fashion was worn by the wealthy Romans?

The wealthy Romans tended to wear clothes that were made of wool or linen. This usually consisted of things like togas and robe like apparel for both men and women.