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he had the element of surprise. the japanese thought that they were going to an island with little supplies and little defense but in actuality they were falling into a trap. upon their arrival they find that midway is heavily defended despite what they were told in decoded messages.

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You mean Admiral Nimitz. -His superior strategic use of naval air power and the quality of flying by US Navy and Marine crews carried the battle for America.

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Q: What did vintage helped Admiral Chester Nimitz defeat the Japanese at midway Island?
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Whicn admiral along with his men attacked japanese-held islands in the pacific through what is termed a leap frog or island hopping manner?

Admiral Chester Nimitz along with his men attacked Japanese-held islands in the Pacific through what is termed a "leap frog" or "island hopping" manner.

Who was the Japanese admiral who planned the attacks on Pearl Harbor and midway?

Isoroku Yamamoto planned the attacks on PEARL HARBOR and MIDWAY ISLAND

Who relieved Admiral Husband E. Kimmel after the Pearl Harbor attack?

Admiral Chester William Nimitz Admiral William Pye relieved Admiral Kimmel immediately after Kimmel and General Walter Short were made the scapegoats for Pearl Harbor. Pye had been the captain of one of the battleships sunk on Battleship Row, and he was hastily promoted. Pye launched an attempt to relieve Wake Island with a force led by the carrier USS Saratoga which would have evacuated the wounded and civilians (who were later executed by the Japanese) and placed 400 more Marines on the island. When the force was 800 miles away from the island, the attempt was aborted by Pye because he believed Wake was already lost and he feared losing the relief force with it. Thereafter, Pye was replaced by Admiral Nimitz. Pye remained an admiral, but he was never again given a combat command.

What kind of plane shot down Admiral Yamamoto in 1943 over Bougainville Island after US forces broke the Japanese communication code?

It was a P-38 Lightning

What battle of the pacific war was admiral Nimitz the architect?

Nimitz was in overall command of all aspects of strategy (Island-Hopping) in the Pacific theater of war between the Japanese and the Americans .

Related questions

What advantages helped admiral Chester Nimitz defeat the Japanese at midway island?

Nimitz had knowledge of the secret Japanese battle plans

Why was chester nimitz known as the island hopper?

The Allied Naval Forces went after the Japanese island by island in the South Pacific. That strategy was called island hopping. Admiral Chester Nimitz was in charge of the Pacific Theater naval actions. So he earned the name Island Hopper.

Whicn admiral along with his men attacked japanese-held islands in the pacific through what is termed a leap frog or island hopping manner?

Admiral Chester Nimitz along with his men attacked Japanese-held islands in the Pacific through what is termed a "leap frog" or "island hopping" manner.

Crucial naval battle of June 1942 in which us admiral chester nimitz blocked the Japanese attempt to conquer a strategic island near Hawaii?

battle of midway

Who used Island Hopping?

Douglas MacArthur used island hopping along with Chester Nimitz used this tactic during world war two. They did this to avoid fighting the Japanese for every island in the pacific and only took the island critical for the mission. The US would then starve and bomb the other islands until they surrendered or bypassed them altogether. This was an efective stragety and probably won the war for the United States

Who led allied forces to victories in far east and pacific island?

Admiral Chester William Nimitz .

Who was the mastermind of the island-hopping strategy?

the master mind of the island hopping was admiral chester w. was his ideal. afterwards it became very useful

Who was the Japanese admiral who planned the attacks on Pearl Harbor and midway?

Isoroku Yamamoto planned the attacks on PEARL HARBOR and MIDWAY ISLAND

Who relieved Admiral Husband E. Kimmel after the Pearl Harbor attack?

Admiral Chester William Nimitz Admiral William Pye relieved Admiral Kimmel immediately after Kimmel and General Walter Short were made the scapegoats for Pearl Harbor. Pye had been the captain of one of the battleships sunk on Battleship Row, and he was hastily promoted. Pye launched an attempt to relieve Wake Island with a force led by the carrier USS Saratoga which would have evacuated the wounded and civilians (who were later executed by the Japanese) and placed 400 more Marines on the island. When the force was 800 miles away from the island, the attempt was aborted by Pye because he believed Wake was already lost and he feared losing the relief force with it. Thereafter, Pye was replaced by Admiral Nimitz. Pye remained an admiral, but he was never again given a combat command.

What did admiral Chester Nimitz mean in the quote Uncommon was a Common Virtue?

"Uncommon Valor Was a Common Virtue." means that exceptional bravery was a common denominator and courage was found in the hearts of all who fought upon the island .

What kind of plane shot down Admiral Yamamoto in 1943 over Bougainville Island after US forces broke the Japanese communication code?

It was a P-38 Lightning

What battle of the pacific war was admiral Nimitz the architect?

Nimitz was in overall command of all aspects of strategy (Island-Hopping) in the Pacific theater of war between the Japanese and the Americans .