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He did something bad

who ever wrote this this is an important Q and some people need the answer it is not funny

im sorry, but i agree ....this is not a good answer and btw, no he did'nt do anything bad, but he did make a few mistakes during his journey....

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Well first, heconqueredsome tribes on his journey, showing Europe that the tribeswereweak, putting their minds on war. Then, they sent out conquistadors to take out civilizations. For example, Pizarro and theIncasor Cortes and the Aztecs. All of this was started by Balboa? You ask? Well, him and early explorers who conquered. Hope this helps!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

He got gold on one, found a place on another and found the pacific on another. He named it the south sea.

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