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the vassals would give protection to the serfs and also protect the land

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Q: What did the vassals give the serfs?
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How do you explain the difference between the vassals and serfs?

Explain the difference between the vassals and the serfs

What is the difference between the vassals and the serfs?

the vassals are the kings slaves and the serfs are like a nun and monks

Feudalisms religious concept of hierarchy featured?

a caste system of overlords, vassals, and serfs

Explain the difference between vassals and serfs?

Vassals are nobles in medieval society who swore loyalty to a lord in return for land and serfs were peasant laborers.

In what order are serfs vassals and tenants ranked under a king in the feudal system?

At the very bottom. They had no freedom and no one below them.

In the feudal system who did nobles grant the use of farmlands to?


Who do vassals have power over?

Vassals were loyal to the person(s) above them. Therefore a king may have a vassal who may have other vassals loyal to him. A vassal has power over his serfs, or his vassals. Also the vassals have power over the peasents.

The agricultural estates ran by vassals in which serfs worked in replacement for food protection and shelter?

Vassals ran manors, or agricultural estates

Which agricultural estates ran by vassals in which serfs worked in replacement for food protection and shelter?

Vassals ran manors, or agricultural estates

Who benefited from the medieval manor?

anyone who lived on it besides the serfs (lords,vassals)

What is the opposite of noble?

Serfs or vassals.

Why was land the most important gift a lord could give a vassal?

Lords granted lands to vassals because they had a lot of land and needed men to fight in their armies. They also couldn't manage their land alone. As a solution, a lord would give land to vassals in exchange for the vassals agreeing to fight in his army. The vassals would have peasants and serfs work their land.