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Although the last answer was correct to some extent about the "basics" such as berries and deer. His statement was slightly arrogant as it made it sound like the Tuscarora were incapable of producing foods of their own.

Corn bread was a particularly common dish among the woodland Natives... especially the Tuscarora.

Corn pudding was also another dish.

Fry bread

Ash bread.

They also made jerky, which was started by Natives.

With that jerky they sometimes mixed it with berries creating one of the 1st energy drinks.

cooked and fried squash was also a dish.

White corn cakes with syrup (almost the same as pancakes today)

Their were 3 particular vegis that were seen as the gift of the gods, known as the three sisters...

Beans, Squash, and Corn.

There are so many more. And the truth is, much of the food you eat today in the US derives from the Native Americans.

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12y ago
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12y ago

the tuscarora hunted well th emen hunted deer and small game then thewomen farmedcorn sqash tobacco and beans!

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12y ago

They farmed large crops of squash, beans, tobacco, and maize (maize is a multicolored corn. They would fish and hunt shellfish, insects, reptiles, mollusks, birds, and mammals.

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11y ago

Semi-agricultural by nature, the Timucua planted maize (corn), beans, and squash. They also hunted for game, fished, collected shellfish, and gathered berries, fruits, acorns, and nuts.

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11y ago

deer,rabbits and fish

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