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Q: What did the townshed acts tax?
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What did colonists do to protest the TownShed Acts?

they did not buy any printed item the British put a tax on

What made Charles Townshed so famous?

He helped make the Townshed acts. That's why it was called the TOWNSHED acts. That one was obvious, but it's the answer so here you go.

What act taxed paper paint glass and tea?

These were some of the items on which duties (taxes) were levied by England on its American colonies.

When did the townshed acts happen?


Why were the townshed passed?

the townshed acts were passed to help pay for the damages of the french and indian war

When was the Townshed Acts?

July 2nd 1767

WHO was the leader in the Townshed Acts?

Pete Townshend

What is the purpose of the townshed act?

It was a tax to raise money.

Who passed the townshed acts?

king george tha third

Why was the townshed act created?

the townshed acts were passed to help pay for the damages of the french and indian war

When did the townshed acts occure?

Sum time between 1770-1775

What British acts most clearly violated the American colonists' traditional right to a trial by jury?

Townshed acts