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An image of themselves as racially superior, engendering a perceived right to expand their borders regardless of the pain and suffering they caused. It is regretful to observe that US "Manifest Destiny" promulgated the same self-image.

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Q: What did the three axis powers have in commons?
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What three courtries were part of the axis powers?

Japan , Italy and Germany = The Axis Powers .

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Axis powers: German, Japan, Italy Allied powers: U.S., Briton, Russia....................

Who we're the three main AXIS powers?

The three main axis powers in world war 2 were Germany, Italy and Japan.

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Germany, Italy, Japan were the three axis powers during World War 2

Who were the three axis powers?

The three main axis powers in World War 2 were Germany, Italy and Japan.

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The three main members of the Axis were Germany, Italy and Japan.

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The Axis Powers.

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Who the three main axis powers?

Germany, Japan and Italy.

What nations made up the Axis powers in World War Two?

There were three main Axis powers in WW 2. All three were aggressive and were dictatorships. They were Germany, Italy and Japan.

Name 2 of the three axis powers in World War 2?

Two of the axis powers during World War 2 are Germany and Italy. The third axis power is Japan.

What three coutries were part of the axis powers?

Italy , Germany and Japan .