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The sherman tank was constantly upgraded throughout it's service history. With several variants in service simultaneously.

During WW2

Originally intended for infantry support it used a medium (relative to it's time) velocity 75mm.

A low velocity 105mm howitzer.

A high velocity 76mm anti tank gun.

A high pressure flamethrower.

A high velocity 17 pounder anti tank gun.

After WW2

Israel upgraded shermans with high velocity 75mm and high velocity 105mm guns.

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Q: What did the sherman tank shoot?
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How tall is a Sherman tank?

The Sherman tank is nine feet tall.

What tank replaced the Sherman tank after the Korean war?

In some roles, it was replaced by the M41. As a main battle tank, it was replaced by the M47 Patton.

How far will the paintball panzer tank shoot?

Paintball tanks do not have an actual large gun on them, because there are no "giant paintballs." The tank will use normal markers witch shoot about 300 feet horizontally or a RPG simulator witch will shoot a scatter shot of several paint balls a much smaller distance.

What was Americas answer for the panzer and blitzkrieg?

Their answer were the m3 lee tank and then the Sherman tanks. They constanty upgraded their tanks and they also mass produced them.

What was the purpose of the sherman tank?

The original purpose of the M-4 Sherman tank was to provide infantry support, while tank destroyers took on tanks. The British put a very powerful 17 pound cannon in their version of the Sherman, which they called the Firefly. The USA M-4 Sherman either had a high explosive 105mm gun, or an armor piercing 75mm or armor piercing 76mm gun. The USA M-4 Sherman tank was outgunned when facing the German Panther, Tiger, or King Tiger tanks. In Feb. 1945, the M-26 Pershing tank with a 90mm gun entered service, but, it was too little, too late to have much effect on the almost over European war. The M-36 Jackson tank destroyer (which entered service in September 1944) had a 90 mm gun, and was the only USA armored mobile vehicle with an antitank gun big enough to stop most German tanks from Sept. 1944 to Feb. 1945. The M-4 Sherman was a mass produced tank, which was very reliable and rarely broke down. It saw service around the world. It's a shame that the USA did not upgrade their Shermans, as did the British with a 17 pound gun.

Related questions

Could a tiger tank shoot straight through a Sherman?

a tiger tank could definitely penetrate a shermans armour at the right range

Who invented the sherman tank?

the US Army invented the Sherman tank.

How tall is a Sherman tank?

The Sherman tank is nine feet tall.

How tall is a General Sherman tank?

The M4 Sherman tank was nine feet tall.

When did Cindy Sherman shoot photos?

when she wanted to

What is the latest version of the Sherman tank?

One can find information on Sherman tanks via the Wikipedia website. The latest version of the Sherman tank is usually the M4 Sherman and this has its own page on the Wikipedia website.

What nicknames did Sherman Pendergarst go by?

Sherman Pendergarst went by The Tank.

What was the max speed of a sherman tank?

the maximum speed of a sherman tank was around 30MPH with a standard speed of around 25MPH

What chances does a sherman tank have in killing a abram tank?


What is the largest tank in the world?

The largest tank Is the p1000 rattle but it was never manifactured but the Maus has 2 and its the largest tank in ww2 but its biggest manifactured in ww2 was the sherman tank during ww2.

What is the cost of a modern sherman tank?

Israel was the last country to build the Sherman tank and that was decades ago. There is no such thing as a Modern Sherman tank. The tank dates back to WWII. The cost of a New Sherman Tank, would probably be around a hundred thousand US dollars, and you would need a licence to operate it, and it would have to be modified so it couldn't fire real ammunition.

What did the sherman tank shoot on its main gun?

76mm Only a relative few Shermans, called "Fireflies," had the 76mm gun. The overwhelming majority had a lower-velocity and much less powerful 75mm.