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In the shortest possible answer, the Selective service Act, established the legal authority and infrastructure for the "Draft" of soldiers for military service.

Boys had to register, (girls did not) with the local selective service board on or before their 16th birthday. The registration made them part of a group of young males that would be evaluated for military service upon or after their 18 birthday.

If the congress mandated "Conscription" of troops for military service, The young men would be sent a letter and required to show up for a physical evaluation. The "Physical" would be conducted to determine if they had the physical attributes of health, stature, weight and mental skills for military training and duty. if they passed the "Physical" They could be drafted into the army.

Men who were Physically unfit for service were excused from service. Men who claimed certain unique hardships on their family or Religious objections could appeal their availability. Sometimes they were excused and other times they were given duty that was more constant with their claimed exclusion. One such common exclusion was that of "Conscientious objectors" often men who claimed a profound moral or religious objection to harming others. Some were drafted but allowed to work in support functions like clerical, medical or support services and yet others were excused from service.

During the last days of the Vietnam War the US ceased it's Draft and went to an all volunteer army. To this day the US has maintained military readiness and fought numerous actions without the "Draft" of citizens or women into the Military.

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Aliza Upton

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Q: What did the service act mean for American men?
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What did the service act mean for Americans?

The act required all men in the U.S. between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for military service.

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What did selective service act mean for American men?

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What did the Selective Service Act mean for Americans?

The act required all men in the U.S. between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for military service.

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This act provided for the first peacetime draft in American history. This Selective Service Act required that men in their twenties and thirties register with local draft boards. Later, when the U.S. entered World War II, all men aged 18 to 45 were made liable for military service.

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The Selective Service Act, although the definition you give of it is a bit misleading.

What did the Selective Service mean for American men?

Under Roosevelt it meant that healthy younger men were taken out of their jobs and away from their. families and put into the army. This ended unemployment .

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The selective service act is the requirement of all young men to register by the time they turn 18, with selective service, in the event of a draft.

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The act that required men to register with the government for random military service selection is the Selective Service Act of 1940, also known as the Burke-Wadsworth Act. This act was enacted in response to the growing threat of war in Europe and Asia, and it established the first peacetime draft in the United States. It required all men between the ages of 21 and 35 to register with their local draft boards.

Why did the selective service act mean for American men?

The selective service act required that all males that reach a certain age sign up for what is known as the military draft. This helped to prepare American for war by ensuring that there were enough people to fight for the country when needed without waiting for volunteers.