

What did the puritans found?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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13y ago

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colonies in the new world

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Q: What did the puritans found?
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Why did puritans found their colonies?

for religious and political freedom

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When did the Puritans find colonial Boston?

They found it in 1630

What happened in 1630?

English Puritans found Massachusetts.

Who found or founded the Massachusetts bay?

it was founded by English puritans

Did Puritans come to Rhode Island?

The pilgrims did not settle here. I think they either settled in North Carolina or Massachusetts. Glad I could help:)

Why did the puritans move to america?

Puritans came to America because of religious persecution in the Netherlands and Great Britain. They found religious freedom but harsh conditions. They survived and eventually thrived.

Why did puritans from Massachusetts found Connecticut?

it is because they felt the Massachusetts government was too powerful

What was the main religious difference between the separatists and the ordinary puritans?

Seperatists wanted just that, to separate from the church of England. Puritans want to clean up the corruption found within.

What was the main religious difference between the Separatists and ordinary Puritans?

Seperatists wanted just that, to separate from the church of England. Puritans want to clean up the corruption found within.

Did the Puritans found Massachusetts Bay colony before or after Roger Williams found Providence Rhode Island?

uh i dont know