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Q: What did the prisoners wear?
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Related questions

What is name of the outfit prisoners wear?

The outfit prisoners wear is commonly known as a prison uniform or jumpsuit.

What did Flossenburg prisoners wear?

Prisoners at Flossenburg wore what prisoners in other concentration camps wore; striped uniforms.

Why did the Nazis make the prisoners in holocaust wear uniforms?

It is standard practice to make prisoners wear uniform. I really wouldn't read anything into this.

What underwear do female prisoners wear?

White mostly

What did the prisoners have to wear in the concentration camps?

they wore striped pajamas

What did the Auschwitz prisoners wear on their feet?

Standard issue was clogs.

Do prisoners have to wear uniforms?

Yes, at least for the most part.

Where did baggy pants come from?

Prisoners were baggy pants, and people think prisoners are cool, therefore wear baggy pants

Did jews wear striped clothing in World War 2?

All prisoners in concentration camps - regardless of background - wore the striped prison uniform.

What did the prisoners wear in the concentration camps?

rangy clothing or striped pants and tops

Why did the Nazi's forced some prisoners to wear a second badge?

To identify them as Jewish

Why did Nazis force some prisoners to wear a second badge underneath?

To identify them as Jewish