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Of course going to Oregon on the Oregon Trail you would have to cross something. And starting from the East of the country made it harder. Because there were so many rivers in the plains, it was very hard to cross over them. Escpecially high rushing rivers . Little streams weren't the biggest problem. they would have to put there wagon and some times animals on a big wooden plank. This used up their maybe supplies or just trees and time. One little tip of the floating plank, you could lose all you supplies. Especially food, water,and tools, they could cause them to die if they didnt have it later on the trail. There were also the huge Rocky mountains! A lot of people died from from harsh tempatures crossing the mountains.Most people hoped to not cross the mountains in the winter so it wouldn't be as cold.

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Q: What did the pioneers have to cross on the Oregon trail?
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The Oregon Trail is the route that pioneers used to travel to Oregon.

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The Oregon trail is a trail in which pioneers have traveled in search of freedom. It was very dangerous trail back then.

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