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Fish, bread and stuff they imported from India,China,and the lot....

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what did poor people in constaninople eat?

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Are Greek people from Constantinople Greek?

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What do you call people who lived in constantinople?

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What is one problem with constantinople?

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The Christian values of the people of Constantinople were expressed by the formation of agencies that help the needy.

What did constantinople do for people?

danced a dacne called the lohooquasopae

What Constantinople people did for fun?

danced a dacne called the lohooquasopae

How many people lived in Constantinople?

Between 250,000 and 1,000,000.

Did the orthodoxy people have a leader?

The spiritual leader is the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

What were relics and why did they attract thousands of people to Constantinople?

because they are dumb asses!

What led to the growth and wealth of constantinople?

Constantinople was the city that bridged Europe and Asia. Therefore, There were tremendous amount of trades in the city. Most of the spices, goods were traded in Constantinople. Another possible reason is that Constantinople was the capital of the Great Roman empire where the king of the country lives. Because all the political events was held in Constantinople, all of the people were gathered in the city.

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