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During their free time, the olmecs probably made lots of clay crafts and tried to make choclate out of caco trees

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Q: What did the olmecs do on there free time?
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The Olmecs had a complex political system, a religion, and a certain system of writing, and also developed calendars. When the Olmecs traded with people they influenced Native American cultures that came later in time.Answer: The Olmecs influenced Native American cultures that came later in time.

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What types of art is the olmecs known for?

the olmecs are known for these statues that have big face's

What important role did the olmecs play among Mexico s native peoples?

The Olmecs had a complex political system, a religion, and a certain system of writing, and also developed calendars. When the Olmecs traded with people they influenced Native American cultures that came later in time.Answer: The Olmecs influenced Native American cultures that came later in time.

Identify the major skills of the olmecs and the mayor accomplishments of the Mayas?

major skill of olmecs

Why we're the olmecs and zapotecs important?

Because the olmecs and the zapotecs were the most powerful in Mexico

How were the olmecs and the Maya different?

The Toltecs had a more direct influence on the Aztecs than the Olmecs because they were closer to the Aztecs in both time and geographic location.