what the northwest coast did was they hunt a lot and they used tools to hunt and more amazing things too.
The Indian tribe that inhabited the Pacific Northwest in the coastal range area is the Chinook tribe. The Chinook people traditionally lived along the Columbia River and the coast of present-day Oregon and Washington states. They were known for their fishing and trading skills, as well as their complex social structure and artistry.
they kill animals and made there own cloths
They hunt Deer
In 1841 the settlers arrived in the Pacific Northwest
People in the Yukon and Northwest Territories hunt vicious rabbits. It is said that these creatures kill 0-0 people a year and a useless thing to hunt. People up north are pretty dumb sometimes.
what the northwest coast did was they hunt a lot and they used tools to hunt and more amazing things too.
The Chinook people were already living in the Northwest coastal areas long before the arrival of Lewis and Clark, and are still living there today.
People have hunted seals since before recorded history.
The Northwest Coastal Natives used Red Cedar wood, split into boards for their houses.
They lived in the coastal rainforest areas of the American Northwest.
coastal ,cascade ,sierra
Northwest Coastal Indians.