Spartan male citizens exclusively trained for war, according to sources. Farming and craftworking was largely left to women and subservient or allied populations.
In Sparta both. In Athens, the men, with the women confined in the home doing domestic tasks.
Only Men could vote because they had experience with military
The main ocupation was a warrior for men.
in Sparta the boys had two leave their familys at age 7. but in Sparta they only had to fight at times of war.
The men dominated life, the women were home-bound chattels except in rare instances such as Sparta where they lived an open life.
in Sparta were only free men citizens?
only sparta.
The Ephors were Sparta's assembly men.
The roles of men in Sparta were to be trained to fight the war that was about to happen or was going to happen within a few months or within a year!
In Sparta both. In Athens, the men, with the women confined in the home doing domestic tasks.
No. Sparta didn't grant citizenship to very many men, either.
Yes it was!
Men in Sparta fought, kept the city-state safe, and farmed. Men in Athens had schooling and got better jobs, but also fought during wars and battles.
oh men yes obiosllyyy like men