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Kings had enough authority that they often could do what they wanted. They had constraints, which included established law, in many places, custom, in most places, and those placed on them by the Church, nearly everywhere in Europe. But by in large, kings did what they wanted to do.

Some monarchs were interested in hunting, some in having a good time, some tried to expand their territories, and some were very devout. But I think there really was no such thing as a typical day of a typical king. They were all different.

It might be good to take a look at the lives of some individual kings.

Charlemagne spent much of his life pursuing military plans and building up the Carolingian Empire. He also devoted a lot of attention to educational reform, opening schools, supporting the Church, and supporting the arts. He spent some considerable time having fun, including general partying. He married several times, as most of his wives predeceased him, but also had a number of mistresses.

King Henry I of England is remembered as a literate man who married a highly learned woman and fostered education.

Queen Margaret of Denmark spent a good deal of time consolidating power politically and through diplomacy. She managed to put together Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland under the control of a single monarch, which was rather a feat.

King Louis IX of France (St. Louis) was very devout. He went on crusade, and spent a lot of time with his support of the Church. He spent a lot of time being a peacemaker and arbitrating the disputes of other monarchs. He also was a patron of the arts.

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Medieval kings and queens controlled just about everything, until the nobles began to make parliaments. Kings would control all the nation's issues.

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