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It is the idea that the Earth is the center of the universe.

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Q: What did the geocentric system do?
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Who contradicted the geocentric system?

The Heliocentric System. m.i.

What is the difference between the geocentric view and the heliocentric view?

Geocentric: Earth is center of the solar system. Heliocentric: Sun is the centre of the solar system.

Was Copernican in the heliocentric or geocentric system?

The proposed the heliocentric system.

Is Uranus in the heliocentric or the geocentric system?

Uranus is in the heliocentric system like all the other planets. The geocentric system is now only of interest historically. It wasn't correct.

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What is a description of the solar system in which all planets revolve around Earth?

Geocentric model. This has earth at the centre. We now know this not to be true.

What is a sentence for geocentric?

Many historical astronomers believed in the geocentric model of the universe, where Earth was thought to be the center of the solar system.

What are the supporters of geocentric?

One of them was Claudius Ptolemy. He made a geocentric model and called it Plotemy's system, it lasted 13 centuries.

What evidence is there for the earths revolution around the sun?

the heliocentric system and the geocentric system

What object is at the center of a geometric system?

In a geocentric universe the earth is the center of the universe or solar system and everything revolves around it. In a heliocentric universe the sun or a star is the center of the universe or solar system. We live in a heliocentric solar system with the sun as the center.

System an early geocentric theory planetary motion?


What is the opposite of the geocentric system?

The opposite of the geocentric system is the heliocentric system, which places the Sun at the center of the solar system with planets, including Earth, orbiting around it.