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They would usually sell items that people needed right away and that was the only quick way to get them. Hope U LIke

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13y ago

they came from England

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Q: What did the general stores sell back in the colonial times?
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Mostly high-horsepower tractors and tillers to beat back the sod. Weedwhackers and leafblowers came into the scene in the late colonial years.

Why did New York get statehood?

Because they got 60,000 people back in the colonial times which was the condition you had to have to become a state.

Is chocolate native to Germany?

No chocolate is native to the Mayans and during the colonial times whey took it back to Europe.

How were iron knives used back in colonial times?

everybody tells me that it somehow 2 make it somehow to dream it

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Im in school right now and I learned that it's cathlic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!