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They thought that they were peaceful people, only wanting to trade food an fur for goods

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Q: What did the first nations think of john Cabot when they first met?
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Did John Cabot meet the First Nations people?

when john Cabot was sailing on his ship he went to newfound land and he found first nations people and traded goods for furrs. I think he captured them but I'm not sure.check also on Google.:-]

How did the first nations people react to john cabot's?

they folode him

How did John Cabot meet the First Nation Peoples?

when john Cabot was sailing on his ship he went to newfound land and he found first nations people and traded goods for furrs. I think he captured them but I'm not sure.check also on Google.:-]

First nations feel after meeting john Cabot?

They felt pooped

How many times did john Cabot have with the first nations people?


What happened when john Cabot met the first nation peoples?

john Cabot did meet the first nations peoples. Sorry to say but there was no evidence for me to explain about this.

Did Cabot have contact with the first nations people?

Yes, he did. He used to hate them. Now, he loves them!

Which of the First Nations did John Cabot interact with?

John Cabot came in contct with the Mohawk Indians

How much contact did john Cabot have with the first nations people?

um nobody really knows

What was the relationship between john Cabot and the first nations?

He had an erotic attraction to first nations women. He was one of the original people to prefer mixed relationships.

What was john Cabot's feelings toward native Americans?

by giving medicine and things for health and little gold

Who was the first Englishman to land in the current US?

i think it was John Cabot