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The Federalist Party wanted a Constitution.

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Q: What did the federalist party want?
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What did Federalist party want?

The Federalist Party wanted a Constitution.

What party were formed by the supporters of Alexander Hamilton?

The Federalist party grew out of Hamilton's view of a strong federal government.

When was federalist party found?

The federalist party was the very first political party in the United States. The federalist party was founded in 1792.

can a farmer be in the federalist party?

yes a farmer can be a federalist party

During the debate over the Constitution what party argued for strong independent states?

the anti-federalist party

The Federalist Party was led by?

The Federalist Party was led by Alexander Hamilton

When was Federalist Party - France - created?

Federalist Party - France - was created in 1995.

What effect did the Hartford Convention have on the Federalist Party?

it destroyed the federalist party

Why did Hamilton's party became known as the federalist?

Hamilton's supporter's formed the federalist party.

How did the nation's expansion hurt the federalist party?

how did the nation's expansion hurt the federalist party?

What was a nickname for the federalist party?

The federalist party had a couple different nicknames. Some of them include: the Whig party and the first party system.

What was John Adams party?

He was part of the Federalist party, which was like today's Republican party (as opposed to the Republican party, which was like today's Democratic party).