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Corn, Potatoes, Grain

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Q: What did the early settlers grow?
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What challenges did early Jamestown settlers face?

Jamestown early settlers faced harsh winters and were unable to grow the food they need to survive.

Did the early settlers of Australia grow corn?

yes. they needed some type of vegetable

What sort of land would the early settlers need?

they would need flat fertile land to grow food .

How did early settlers in Australia improve their diets?

by learning how to grow crops in the Australian atmosphere and many more reasons

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The Early Hawaiian settlers are the Polynesian settlers.

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What type of homes did the early settlers live in?

the early settlers live in hut or benab

When was Early Settlers Meeting House created?

Early Settlers Meeting House was created in 1856.

How did early settlers finally settle in nz?

Early settlers had land wars and signed the treaty of waitangi

Where did most early settlers in California come from?

The early settlers came from Asia, across the Bering Sea.