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Q: What did the crew of te pinta find in the water that convicted then that they were nearing land?
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What did the crew of the Pin ta find in the water that convinced them that they were nearing land?

pinta saw a cane and a log and he also picked up sticks

What were the names of the ships Columbus and his crew sailed on to America?

the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa maria

How many were in columbu's crew?

The Santa Maria carried 41 crew including Columbus, the Nina 24 and the Pinta 26, making a total of 91.

What ship did Columbus sail on when he traveled to the new world?

The flagship of his voyage was the Santa Maria.

What were the names of the ships that carried Christopher Columbus and his crew to the new world?

The three ships Christopher Colombus sailed on were Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria

What did Christopher Columbus's pinta look like?

La Pinta (the "Painted") was the fastest of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus in his first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. Pinta was a caravel-type vessel. Pinta was square rigged and was smaller than the Santa María, weighing approximately 60 tons with a length of 20 meters and a width of 7 meters. The crew size was 26 men. Captain of the Pinta was Martín Alonzo Pinzón.the correct names of the three ships were la Santa Clara, la Pinta, la Santa Maria/Gallega

What ships did christofor Columbus take?

He took the Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria. He sailed on the Santa Maria, whilst his crew sailed on the other ships on their voyage to America.

Who did christopher Columbus go with on his first voyage?

Columbus set of with three ships the pinta,nina and the santa maria. Most of his crew came from the surrounding areas of spain.

What ship carried Christoper Columbus and his crew?

Columbus had three ships that carried them to America. He himself was on the Santa Maria along with about 15 other crew members. All other about 40 members were divided onto the other two ships, the Pinta and the Nina.

When did Columbus sail on the pinta?

Columbus was on the Santa Maria because it was the largest of the 3. It had a crew of 40 and they sailed in Aug of 1492. They sighted land Oct. 12, 1492 after 33 days on board.

What happened on October 12 1492?

On October 12, 1492, a sailor on the Pinta, (one of the three ships in Columbus' voyage) sighted land. The crew reach San Salvador the next day.

How many people were on Christopher Columbus's boat?

Columbus sailed using three boats: the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria and his crew consisted of 87 men. So do 87/3=29.