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They declared war on the fledgling Jewish State.

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Declared war on Israel

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Q: What did the countries of Egypt Iraq Jordan Lebanon and Syria do on the day Israel declared its independence?
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What were the five countries that attacked Israel after it declared its independence?

Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Saudi Arabia also provided financial support.

What was the immediate result when Israel declared its independence in May 1948?

Armies from six Arab Countries invaded Israel.

What countries bordered Israel in 1945?

First of all, Israel did not exist in 1945; the country declared independence in 1948. in 1945, the area was still part of the British Mandate for Palestine. The Mandate for Palestine was bordered by Lebanon (which declared independence in 1943), Syria (which gained independence in 1944), the Emirate of Transjordan (which would become independent as the Kingdom of Jordan in 1946), and the Kingdom of Egypt (which has since become the Arab Republic of Egypt).

What year was Israel a country?

Israel (State of Israel) declared its independence in 1948.

What are Israel Turkey Lebanon considered as?

Israel, Turkey, and Lebanon are considered middle east countries.

Which two countries border Lebanon?

Israel and Syria border Lebanon.

Who attacked Israel after it became a state?

After Israel declared its independence in May 1948, it was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, plus contingents from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Morocco, and the local Palestinians.

Where is Israel bordered from?

Israel is bordered by four countries. These countries are Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.

What happened in 1948 in the middle east?

Israel declared independence and had war declared on it.

Who is Lebanon's northern neighbor?

Syria and Israel

What countries do not share a border with Israel?

No countries share a border with Israel except Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.

What did Arabs and Jews do after Israel was established?

The Arab Nations surrounding Israel declared war on it the day after it declared independence, but the Jewish and Arab Militias in the territory had already been fighting since November of 1947, so nothing really changed for them; the war just got much bigger and became official.