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Q: What did the bread the ancient Egyptians made do?
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What did the ancient egyptians eat for breakfast?

wheat and bread

What did the ancient Egyptians use to get their bread to rise?


What did Ancient Egyptians eat for breakfast?

wheat and bread

Is it true that ancient Egyptians treated infections with moldy bread?

The moldy bread produces Penacilin which can be used to aide against infections.

What were the ancient egyptians houses made of?

Mud bricks

Related questions

How was breads made in ancient Egyptians?

The ancient Egyptians made bread by grinding grain into flour which was then combined with water, oil, salt and other optional ingredients. Some types of bread were leavened (raised) by the addition of natural yeasts. The bread was then baked in ovens.

Did the ancient egyptians bake rocks into their bread?


What breads did ancient egyptians eat?

They ate wholemeal bread, made by many different types of wheat.

What did the ancient egyptians eat for breakfast?

wheat and bread

What did the ancient Egyptians use to get their bread to rise?


What did Ancient Egyptians eat for breakfast?

wheat and bread

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What is the daily meal of the ancient egyptians?

Bread and Beer were the usaul meal

What did ancient egyptians craftsmen eat?

Bread, fruit, meat, and beer.

What kind of crops did the ancient Egyptians have?

Egyptians grew crops such as wheat, barley, vegetables, figs, melons, pomegranates and vines.They also grew flax which was made into linen. The most important crop was grain. The ancient Egyptians used grain to make bread, porridge and beer.

How do you make ancient Egyptian food?

Bread, oatmeal, and beer are all foods of the Egyptians.

Which advances did the ancient egyptians made?
