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Q: What did the black codes of the early English colonies do?
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the early settlement were colonies.

When did the Black Codes pass?

early 1866

What was the significance of Jamestown for the early English colonies?

they were new and a strong foundation for the English

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What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique form of government?

What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

What are the different ways which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

What were the first two early colonies established by English in America?

virgina and massachussets

What cash crop was important to early English colonies why?

corn because it had seeds on it.

What were the first 2 early colonies established by english in America?

I can't say why but the two early colonies were Roanoke and Sagadahoc Colonies, if that isn't right try Virginia and Masschutets<- this might be wrong.

What cash crop was imported to the early English colony?

Tea was imported to the colonies. The colonies exported tobacco, lumber, and sugar.

Is it a coincedence that Americans and English people both speak English?

No, since many Americans, and many of the early settlers of the US were FROM Great Britain. The original 13 colonies were colonies of Great Britain. Sort of like you and your mother both speak English.

What was most common economic activity throughout the early English and Dutch colonies in North America was?

being stupid