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The Battle of the Atlantic impacted world warfare at the time, and even today. Nazis Germany, under the dictator, Adolf Hitler, tried to starve the island nation of Great Britain into submission, by using U-boats (submarines) and surface vessels, to sink shipping bringing vital supplies to our shores. The eventual use of convoys, merchant ships guarded by navy vessels, helped to at least curb some of the losses in ships, personnel, and goods. Though, at times, the pendulum swung to the advantage of both sides in turn. Nazis Germany, during their submarine, 'Happy Time,' were eventually put at a disadvantage due to advancing submarine detection, better coordination between command and the convoys at sea, and better coverage of the Mid Atlantic Gap. When the Atlantic Gap was finally closed by total air coverage from America, Canada, and Britain from the air, the U-boats were no longer enjoying any more 'Happy Times' as the sinking of U-boats increased rapidly. No longer were convoys left without air-cover over certain parts of the Atlantic.This answer is but a snapshot of the whole affair. Being born in 1945, I 'thankfully' missed the war. I dedicate this answer to all those brave men and women of the armed forces, and those who worked diligently in the background, and to those civilians that managed to survive.

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