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Q: What did the ancient people of Monte verde make from bone tusk and stone?
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Where were artifacts of the clovis people found?

Artifacts were found In Monte Verde

What is the population of San Antonino Monte Verde?

San Antonino Monte Verde's population is 6,482.

What is the area of San Antonino Monte Verde?

The area of San Antonino Monte Verde is 178.62 square kilometers.

When was the mammoth-hunting settlement in Monte Verde discovered?

The mammoth-hunting settlement in Monte Verde was discovered by a veterinary student.

What continent is Monte Verde in?

Monte Verde is located in the continent of South America, specifically in the country of Chile.

What civilization is the Mesa Verde from?

If you mean the cliff dwellings in the Mesa Verde National Park. They were built by the ancient Pueblo people known as the Anasazi.

How did the excavation site at Monte verde almost disaprove the migration theory?


What is Cape Verde Island's major mountains?

Monte Cara what means Mountain face

When were pre-Clovis artifacts found near Monte Verde Chile?

18 Feb 2000

What type of stone is verde aquamarina?

A green aquamarine.

What were the people called that lived in Mesa Verde?

the people that lived in mesa verde were the Indians and they made their home in that same cave and the cave was diged up by all of the Indians! the anasazi (not sure if its spelled right) this means ancient ones in Navajo hope it helps :)

List in order clovis points were found in New Mexico ice age begins Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte verde Chile and people migrate from Asia to North America?

Ice age begins Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte Verde, Chile (indicating early human presence in the Americas) People migrate from Asia to North America, potentially crossing via the Bering land bridge Clovis points are found in New Mexico (indicating the presence of a distinct Paleo-Indian culture)