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Egyptian Scribes were tasked with creating a bureaucracy that would track and account for taxes, crops, soldiers, and government officials. It was a system orders of magnitude less efficient than a modern bureaucracy.

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Q: What did the ancient egyptians use to keep track of growing wealth?
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What did ancient Egyptians us to keep track of the kingdoms growing wealth?

the Egyptians began to use heiroglyphs because they needed a way to keep track of the kingdoms growing wealth.

Describe how the Egyptians used hieroglyphs to communicate?

By using the writing hieroglyphs, the ancient Egyptians were able to write down records. Also they used hieroglyphs as a way to keep track of the kingdom's growing wealth. And as the empire grew, it became necessary to create more hieroglyphs for more complicated ideas.

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What did ancient Egyptians use to keep track of the kingdom's wealth?

Pharaohs obtained there wealth by the gods. They had great land for farming with the nile and it flooding every year so they had food, which got them money and they built fabulous temples for the gods that got them donations from all the egyptians. So whatever money they didn't need to survive it went to the gods.

Why did ancient civilization create calendars?

To track early flooding and growing seasons, so that they knew when to harvest and grow their crops.

Was the 369 calendar adopted by the egyptians to keep track of harvest?

was the 360 day calender adapted by the Egyptians to keep track of harvests?

History of mensuration of mathematics?

Goes back to early geometry - (geo = earth, metry = measurement). The ancient Egyptians are supposed to have developed Geometry to keep track of land that was flooded annually by the Nile.

What is dynasty in ancient Egypt?

They helped keep track of who was in that section of the Egyptians family. :3 cat face not included just for fun

Who used the first sundail?

The first sundial was used by the ancient Egyptians around 3500 BC. They relied on the shadow cast by a stick placed in the ground to track the movement of the sun and tell time.

What was the First kingdom with a solar calendar?

Egypt was one of the first kingdoms to have a solar calendar. The ancient Egyptians developed a calendar based on the solar cycle, which helped them track the annual flooding of the Nile River. This solar calendar was instrumental in agricultural planning and religious ceremonies.

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What was the importance writing in Egyptian society?

the importance of writing in the Egyptian society is to keep written records od taxes. in which are od to the king