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Q: What did the Union Pacific and central pacific?
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What railroad comany built the transcontinental railroad?

central pacific and union pacific railroad companies

Which company competed with the union pacific?

the central pacific company :D

What two railroad companies made the transcontinental railroad?

The two companies that worked on the transcontinental railroad were the Union Pacific and Central Pacific. The Union Pacific started at Omaha and the Central started in CA.

What were the two railroads called that made the central railroad?

Union Pacific and Central Pacific

What two companies accepted the government's challenge to build the transcontinental rail line?

Union Pacific Railroad built the line westward and the Central Pacific Railroad built the line eastward. The first transcontinental railroad basically connected the east and the west of the United States. Central Pacific Railroad merged with Southern Pacific in 1885 and then Union Pacific bought Southern Pacific in 1996. Union Pacific still operates much of the rail from Central Pacific Railroad and Southern Pacific Railroad.

Who built the transcontinental railroad from west to east?

Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad CompaniesIt was build by Chinese laborers

Did the centrel pacific or the union pacific win in the transcontinental railroad?

the central pacific

What did the Union Pacific and Central Pacific have to do with golden spike?

The Union Pacific and Central Pacific built the transcontinental railroad and when it was finished, a golden spike was nailed when it was finished to celebrate the event.

In what state did the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads meet after finishing the transcontinental railroad?

After finishing the transcontinental railroad,the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads met in Utah.

What state did the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads meet after finishing the transcontinental railroad?

After finishing the transcontinental railroad,the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads met in Utah.

What are two companies that built the transcontinental railroad in central pacific?

Union Pacific (east) & Central Pacific (west).

Who Made The Transcontinental RailRoad?

The Central Pacific and the Union Pacific.