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Approached it with extreme difficulty from the West bank of the Mississippi.

Managed to cross the river downstream unobserved, by distracting the garrison commander, Pemberton, with a cavalry raid.

Fought Pemberton in the open country to the East, and drove him back into his lines.

Besieged the town and attacked its fortifications - often shouting a warning to Johnny Reb to get his head down!

Starved it out, and took the surrender on the Fourth of July, paroling 30,000 prisoners, to the immense gratitude of the town, which actually held a memorial service for Grant when he died - unheard-of in the Deep South.

It was a mighty long time before they next celebrated the Fourth of July, however!

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Q: What did the Union Army do to the city of Vicksburg during the Battle of Vicksburg?
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What is a fact for the Battle of Vicksburg?

The vicksburg Campaign convinced Lincoln that Grant was the right man to lead the whole Union Army.

What teams fought the Battle of Vicksburg?

The armies that fought were the Confederate Army of Mississippi versus the Union Army of the Tennessee.

Which side claimed victory in the Battle of Vicksburg?

Since the Confederate General Pemberton surrendered the city to General Grant of the Union Army, I suspect the Union claimed victory.

Can you explain the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg?

Battle of Gettysburg: This was as a major battle and it was the Civil War's turning point but it was bloody. General Robert Lee and his army marched to Gettysburg and ran into Union cavalry. Then he ran 25k men there and the Union has less than 20k. Then when General Meade arrivedm, he had 10,000 men with him. Lee thought his army was strong and could defeat the Union's soldiers but he lost and the Union won. During this battle there were many casualties - Lee lost 28,000 out of 75,000 and Meade lost 23,000 out of 88,000. Battle of Vicksburg: This was also a major battle in the Civil War and it was also a Union victory. The Confederates were defending Vicksburg and they had their only stronghold there. They used the Mississippi River for food and supplies. General Ulysses Grant wanted to gain control of Vicksburg and the Mississippi River. General John Pemberton was running out of food and supplies for his army so he had to surrender. Because Grant gained control of the Mississippi River, the South split into two.

Which battle lasted 9 months in the civil war?

The Battle of Vicksburg. This Confederate city was the last impediment to the Union's control of the Mississippi River, and it was under siege for nine months before falling to the Union Army and Navy.

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What could the union army do after the Battle of Vicksburg that was a result of their victory?

Go to the aid of the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga.

Who was the two groups involved in the Battle of Vicksburg?

The Union Army of the Tennessee attacked the Confederate Army of the Mississippi.

Who won the Battle at Vicksberg?

The Union Army of Tennessee led by General Grant won the Battle of Vicksburg.

Who won the vicksberg battle?

The Union Army of Tennessee led by General Grant won the Battle of Vicksburg.

What is a fact for the Battle of Vicksburg?

The vicksburg Campaign convinced Lincoln that Grant was the right man to lead the whole Union Army.

Who was the general who commanded the Union army at the battle of Pittsburgh Landing and Vicksburg?

U.S. Grant

Where did the Union Army win two very important victories?

battle of vicksburg and gettysburg

What advantages did the union army gain after defeated the confederate army in the Battle of Vicksburg?

Complete Control of the Mississippi River.

When the union army won the Vicksburg battle?

ANSWER On July 4,1863, when the Confederate Army under General Pemberton capitulated.

What teams fought the Battle of Vicksburg?

The armies that fought were the Confederate Army of Mississippi versus the Union Army of the Tennessee.

Who won Vicksburg was it the union or the confederate army?

The Union Army.

Who was the commander of the confedrate army during the Battle of Vicksburg?

John C. Pemberton