The Cold War intensified the fear of Imminent Global Nuclear Warfare resulting in Total Globular Annihilation. The insitution of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is no joke to those of us that would like to die peacefully in our sleep, preferably from "old age". With submarine-launched nuclear-tipped ICBM's, a five-minute window from launch to arrival is STILL a serious concern.
Start WW3 by launching nukes
Look in your history book
The Cold War was the fear that the Soviet Union would expand communism.
The President of the U.S. during The Cold War was Truman.
Start WW3 by launching nukes
The US did NOT allow the communists (USSR) to expand during the cold war.
Latin America was the strategic backyard of the US during the Cold War. The Cold War started after World War II and lasted until 1991.
Look in your history book
The Cold War was the fear that the Soviet Union would expand communism.
Not during the cold war.
No nation dropped an atomic weapon during the cold war. The cold war is not the same as World War 2. Two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan by the US at the end of World War 2. The cold war is called 'cold' because it was not an actual armed conflict. It was a period marked by a conflict of ideologies, propaganda and fear.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in charge of America during the Cold War.
then the war would have ceased to be cold.