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Not to go to Nuclear War with the Soviet Union.

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Q: What did the U.S. want during the Cuban missile crisis?
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What was a debate during the Cuban missile crisis?

One of the main debates during the Cuban missile crisis was whether the United States should launch a military invasion of Cuba to remove the Soviet missiles. This option, advocated by some within the U.S. government, carried the risk of escalating the conflict into a full-scale nuclear war. Ultimately, President Kennedy chose a blockade of Cuba as a less aggressive response, leading to a diplomatic resolution with the Soviet Union.

What are ten events of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

President Kennedy admitted to lack of missile gap unlike Eisenhower. He said that the US was way ahead of the Soviets in the developing missiles. This made Khrushchev (The Soviet leader) look bad. And this angers Cuba a lot especially, after our failed attempt with the Bay of Pigs. Castro starts to buddy up with the Soviets a lot more. Khrushchev doesn't want to see the US take Cuba down. So he offers to arm Castro with weapons. The US had the Soviet Union surrounded with missile sites and the Soviets wanted at least one site near the US. If they could get Cuba they would have their "one place". A U2 planes discovered installation sites being built in Cuba by the soviets. Kennedy called together the National Security Council, DOD, etc. to discuss what to do with this. We came up with three options. 1)Invade Cuba-Bay of pigs was a failure. 2) Air Strike- were afraid if we did do that ,t hey would shoot our planes3) Leave it alone. No one was really satisfied with those three option so we decided to Quarantine AKA Blockade Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis scared everyone to death; we were on the verge of nuclear war. In 1963 the US and the Soviet Union Signed a nuclear Test Ban Treaty which banned the testing of atomic weapons. A hotline was also set up between Moscow and Washington D.C.

What was the Cuban missile crisis and how was the crisis resolved?

The issue was that Sebastion Shaw aka Kevin Bacon was trying to rid the world of humans by creting the cuban missile crisis which would launch the u.s and the u.s.s.r into a nuclear war thus destoying the human race as we know it.But luckily Chareles Xiavier and Magneto were able to stop him but then Magneto became batshit crazy and he left with the stripper,Satan,some cool dude with some gnarly hair,and Katniss.Some other people who were involved were winnie the po,Taylor Swifts hot ex,the guy from Hey Arnold and pretty much all the communists.Barney was also involved he was just under the radar

What was the impact the Cuban Missile Crisis had on US foreign policy?

After the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US learned how it was our own fears that may have caused the USSR to place missiles in Cuba. We had missiles all around Russsia, and that made them think we were going to attack. There were some important factors that we should have learned. First, we can cause our own destruction by casusing fear in others. Secondly, we should have learned not to trust our own Intel. agency. The CIA reported that none of the missiles in Cuba were armed yet. Later, we found that they were armed. Had Kennedy ordered an attack on Cuba, it could have started a nuclear war. Both of these lessions have long been forgotten. As our policy today is one of pure aggression, based on false Intel.. Hope this will help you.- Katherine k

How did the Cuban missile crisis affect public opinion about president Kennedy?

I was a child, but I recall it as a time when most people were proud of our strong and restrained leadership. Kennedy had the wisdom and courage to say "You shall not pass", and he saw to it. Remember that this was the height of the Cold War, and we feared that the war might be quickly getting "hot". But Kennedy stood firm, and the USSR relented.JFK had not told the people of America about the Cuban Missile Crisis because it didn't want to worry the people. What JFK did was the best thing for the people and it was the right thing.

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What was a debate during the Cuban missile crisis?

One of the main debates during the Cuban missile crisis was whether the United States should launch a military invasion of Cuba to remove the Soviet missiles. This option, advocated by some within the U.S. government, carried the risk of escalating the conflict into a full-scale nuclear war. Ultimately, President Kennedy chose a blockade of Cuba as a less aggressive response, leading to a diplomatic resolution with the Soviet Union.

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Brinksmanship was a term coined by Dulles that referred to the policy of getting to the verge of going to war in order to get what you want from the other party. This was during the Cold War. An example, during J F Kennedy's presidency in 1962 was the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Why did US want Fidel Castro out of power?

Because of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Castro wanted to start nuclear war because he believed that the US would nuke him first. So Fidel wrote a letter to Nikita Sergeyevich Krushchev that basically said that if there was going to be a nuclear war, Russia should launch their missiles first. Luckily Krushchev didnt agree with him (that was the Cuban Missile crisis), and everyone thought he was insane for wanting to start nuclear war.

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Russian wanted warm water sea ports, Korea (lands next to Korea) had them. Japan didn't want any unfriendly nations so close...Korea was to close; about the same as Cuba is to the US (which was responsible for the Cuban Missile Crisis of '62).

What are ten events of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

President Kennedy admitted to lack of missile gap unlike Eisenhower. He said that the US was way ahead of the Soviets in the developing missiles. This made Khrushchev (The Soviet leader) look bad. And this angers Cuba a lot especially, after our failed attempt with the Bay of Pigs. Castro starts to buddy up with the Soviets a lot more. Khrushchev doesn't want to see the US take Cuba down. So he offers to arm Castro with weapons. The US had the Soviet Union surrounded with missile sites and the Soviets wanted at least one site near the US. If they could get Cuba they would have their "one place". A U2 planes discovered installation sites being built in Cuba by the soviets. Kennedy called together the National Security Council, DOD, etc. to discuss what to do with this. We came up with three options. 1)Invade Cuba-Bay of pigs was a failure. 2) Air Strike- were afraid if we did do that ,t hey would shoot our planes3) Leave it alone. No one was really satisfied with those three option so we decided to Quarantine AKA Blockade Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis scared everyone to death; we were on the verge of nuclear war. In 1963 the US and the Soviet Union Signed a nuclear Test Ban Treaty which banned the testing of atomic weapons. A hotline was also set up between Moscow and Washington D.C.

What was the Cuban missile crisis and how was the crisis resolved?

The issue was that Sebastion Shaw aka Kevin Bacon was trying to rid the world of humans by creting the cuban missile crisis which would launch the u.s and the u.s.s.r into a nuclear war thus destoying the human race as we know it.But luckily Chareles Xiavier and Magneto were able to stop him but then Magneto became batshit crazy and he left with the stripper,Satan,some cool dude with some gnarly hair,and Katniss.Some other people who were involved were winnie the po,Taylor Swifts hot ex,the guy from Hey Arnold and pretty much all the communists.Barney was also involved he was just under the radar

What was the impact the Cuban Missile Crisis had on US foreign policy?

After the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US learned how it was our own fears that may have caused the USSR to place missiles in Cuba. We had missiles all around Russsia, and that made them think we were going to attack. There were some important factors that we should have learned. First, we can cause our own destruction by casusing fear in others. Secondly, we should have learned not to trust our own Intel. agency. The CIA reported that none of the missiles in Cuba were armed yet. Later, we found that they were armed. Had Kennedy ordered an attack on Cuba, it could have started a nuclear war. Both of these lessions have long been forgotten. As our policy today is one of pure aggression, based on false Intel.. Hope this will help you.- Katherine k

How did the Cuban missile crisis affect public opinion about president Kennedy?

I was a child, but I recall it as a time when most people were proud of our strong and restrained leadership. Kennedy had the wisdom and courage to say "You shall not pass", and he saw to it. Remember that this was the height of the Cold War, and we feared that the war might be quickly getting "hot". But Kennedy stood firm, and the USSR relented.JFK had not told the people of America about the Cuban Missile Crisis because it didn't want to worry the people. What JFK did was the best thing for the people and it was the right thing.

How do you say daddy in the Cuban language?

In Cuban Spanish, "daddy" is typically translated as "papรก" or "papi."

What wars did John F. Kennedy win?

He didn't win any wars. He was in the Navy in WW2 and his PT boat was sunk by a Japanese ship.He saved the lives of his men and years later a book was published called PT Boat 109. As president he will escalate our involvement in Vietnam by sending in advisors and troops. LBJ will escalate it more after JFK died. Historical documents now show that JFK prevented a war with Russia over the Cuban Missile crisis. JFK had the view that prevention of war was better that aggression to prevent war. Unfortunately today the view is that preemptive action is needed to prevent war. Kennedy felt very strongly about war having lived through one and didn't want to promote actions to create war.

What did America want to get out of the Spanish American War?

Cuban Independence.

Where did the USSR want to build missile launch bases in 1961?

In Cuba.