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the Grant Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou. It's great!

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Q: What did the Sui Dynasty build in China?
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Which dynasty reunited china in AD 581?

sui dynasty

What dynasty was the Grand Canal built The Sui Dynasty- from China?

The tang dynasty

How long did the sui dynasty rule china?

The Sui was one of the shortest lasting dynasty of all of them. (581-618).

What process did Wendi use to establish Sui dynasty?

Wendi used Buddhism and her clan that was popular in China to establish the Sui dynasty.

Where did people of the Sui dynasty live?

they live near china

Which empire reunited China in the sixth century?

Sui Dynasty

When did the Sui dynasty emperor Wendi rule?

Wendi was born in 541 in China and died in 604. Wendi was the Sui dynasty emperor and reigned from 581 to 604. Wendi reunited and organized China after 300 years, and founded the Sui dynasty (581-618).

Who was the ruler who reunified china and created the Sui dynasty?

Li Qingzhao

What was the Chinese dynasty from 618 AD?

The Sui dynasty ruled China from 589 to 618 CE.

Which dynasties reunited China?

Yang Chien of the Sui Dynasty reunited China after the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 BC. His son Yang Kuang then expanded the dynasty. Yang Kuang then lost the dynasty in 618 BC. the T'ang dynasty then took control.

How was china being reunified by the Sui dynasty important?

China's reunification under the Sui Dynasty was important because this was the first Dynasty to regain control of China since the fall of the Han, and laid the groundwork for the Tang dynasty to rule for the next several hundred years. Not just that, but the Sui also finished the canal system that was being built in an effort to tame the Yellow River, which was a major economical boost, even though that was the Sui's ultimate downfall due to the cost of the project.

How did the Sui dynasty rebuild china?

i dont know i came here for answers