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Spartan mothers and wives gave their men their shield before they went to war and told them "with your shield or on it." In other words, come back alive with your shield, never having run in panic from the enemy, or come back on it, dead.

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Q: What did the Spartan mothers give them before they went to war?
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What happened to Spartan boys at age 7 20 and 30?

In ancient Sparta, boys at the age of 7 were taken from their mothers and went to live in barracks to begin military training. At age 20, they were declared fully-trained soldiers and put on active duty. At age 30, Spartan soldiers no longer had to live in the barracks.At age 7, Spartan boys were taken from their mother and began military training. They lived in barracks with other boys.

How was the California gold rush different from other western movements?

My nuts went to the gold rudh and my dick went in ur mothers mouth

Why did Spartan women have to do sports?

Everyone had to do sports in Rome and other places like that because they often had to go to war and even Spartan Women fought.Dude. What are you on?The role of Spartan women in Ancient Sparta was to produce strong and healthy children who in turn could become mighty warriors. The Spartans believed that if the woman was strong, healthy and phyisically fit, any children she produced would also be strong, healthy and fit. Therefore, Spartan women participated in sports, such as gymnastics, wrestling and foot and horse races, to make sure they were fit enough to produce strong babies.Also, Spartan women did not fight. Only the males went away to fight. The female Spartans actually ended up owning most of the spartan farms because their husbands did not return from battle.

What was a typical education in Ancient Greece?

Boys were the only ones who got a real education. they first learned from their mothers, then their fathers, then they went off to a school.

What actress went to north Vietnam in 1972?

Hanoi Jane (Fonda); she went there before '72.

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Text Before: Spartan mothers told their sons to die in battle because they believed that death was better than defeat. Landon90 Says: Infact one saying that the spartan mothers told their son, went something like this "Come back with your shield, or on it" they said that because the Spartan's shields were so big that when they die in war, they get carried on their own shield.

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Pericles had to over come him knowing the power of the Spartan's army before they went into battle with the Spartans.

What if a spartan had no armor on and a ninja had no armor on who would win?

A spartan of course because they went trough trainging of age 7 to 20.

What happened to Spartan boys at age 7 20 and 30?

In ancient Sparta, boys at the age of 7 were taken from their mothers and went to live in barracks to begin military training. At age 20, they were declared fully-trained soldiers and put on active duty. At age 30, Spartan soldiers no longer had to live in the barracks.At age 7, Spartan boys were taken from their mother and began military training. They lived in barracks with other boys.

Were there a lot of pregnant mothers evacated in world war 2?

no, because they all went in labour before they got on the train

Did spartan girls go to school?

yes- they went to a type of "agoge" like the spartan boys but they did not focus on military. they did wrestling and gymnastics and various calisthenics

What is the the Greek term for plain and simple?

spartan....... Adjective spartan (comparativemore spartan, superlative most spartan) Positivespartan Comparativemore spartan Superlativemost spartan # austere, frugal or characterized by self-denial #: I went on the retreat to the monastery thinking I would be sleeping in a spartan cell to discover a simple, but comfortable bedroom. # resolute in the face of danger or adversity #: The spartan legionnaries vowed to fight to the death. # lacking in decoration and luxury #: After ten years as a fashion designer in the rough-and-tumble Garment District, Eloise left New York for the spartan but serene life of a farmer's wife. Retrieved from ""

In England 300 yers ago what happened on mothering Sunday?

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Where can you find replacement corner coping spartan pool?

Spartan Pool Corp went out of business in the eighties, but Spartan Pools in Saginaw, MI, kept the name as they were a dealer. They have since begun producing corners and coping clips for old Spartan swimming pools. You should be able to find them online with a quick Google search.

What happened to individuals conquered by Sparta?

They went to neighbour city-States to live. But, had to drop their Spartan Culture.

Is Esme Cullen edward Jasper Rosalie Alice and emmette's mother?

No.she''s there adopted mother.they all had human mothers before they became vampires.they went to the cullens to live or they were found when dieing.but Alice and jasper just went there.

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Jesus told them to stay awake and wait.