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It was written by priests and said all that the pharaohs did for the people in Egypt.

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Q: What did the Rosetta stone say about the daily life of the Egyptians?
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How did the Rosetta stone effect the Egyptian people?

Your mom is a rosetta stone of life

What have people used Rosetta stone for?

The Rosetta Stone has been used primarily for its significant role in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs. Discovered in 1799 by French soldiers in Egypt, the Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC. The text is written in three scripts: Greek, Demotic, and hieroglyphic. This trilingual inscription was crucial because it allowed scholars to compare the scripts and ultimately decode the hieroglyphic writing system. Key uses and historical significance of the Rosetta Stone include: **Deciphering Egyptian Hieroglyphs**: The Rosetta Stone provided the key to understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, which had been a mystery for centuries. Jean-François Champollion is credited with its decipherment in the 1820s. **Advancing Egyptology**: The translation of the Rosetta Stone's text opened the door to studying ancient Egyptian culture, history, and literature more deeply, leading to significant advancements in the field of Egyptology. **Linguistic Studies**: The Rosetta Stone has been an important artifact in the study of linguistics, providing insights into the relationships between different writing systems and languages. **Cultural Heritage and Museum Exhibition**: Today, the Rosetta Stone is housed in the British Museum, where it is one of the most visited and studied artifacts. It symbolizes the intersection of languages and cultures and is a crucial piece of world heritage. Overall, the Rosetta Stone is celebrated not just as an archaeological find but as a symbol of human curiosity and the quest for knowledge.

What day was Rosetta stone found?

Nobody is sure of the exact date it was found, which is recorded as mid-July 1799, it is thought either July 15th or July 19th.

Why was the Rosetta stone such a historical find?

Because it is a trans-letter for Egyptians to learn Hieroglyphics.

Did the ancient egyptians believe in after life?


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How did archaeologists and historians learn about the daily life in Egypt?

the rosetta stone

What is rosetta-stone?

The Rosetta stone is a big black slab found in 1799 by Napoelons troops. This slab tought people about The Ancient Egyptian life. Without it we would not know anything about Ancient Egyptians.

How did the Rosetta stone effect the Egyptian people?

Your mom is a rosetta stone of life

What have people used Rosetta stone for?

The Rosetta Stone has been used primarily for its significant role in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs. Discovered in 1799 by French soldiers in Egypt, the Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC. The text is written in three scripts: Greek, Demotic, and hieroglyphic. This trilingual inscription was crucial because it allowed scholars to compare the scripts and ultimately decode the hieroglyphic writing system. Key uses and historical significance of the Rosetta Stone include: **Deciphering Egyptian Hieroglyphs**: The Rosetta Stone provided the key to understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, which had been a mystery for centuries. Jean-François Champollion is credited with its decipherment in the 1820s. **Advancing Egyptology**: The translation of the Rosetta Stone's text opened the door to studying ancient Egyptian culture, history, and literature more deeply, leading to significant advancements in the field of Egyptology. **Linguistic Studies**: The Rosetta Stone has been an important artifact in the study of linguistics, providing insights into the relationships between different writing systems and languages. **Cultural Heritage and Museum Exhibition**: Today, the Rosetta Stone is housed in the British Museum, where it is one of the most visited and studied artifacts. It symbolizes the intersection of languages and cultures and is a crucial piece of world heritage. Overall, the Rosetta Stone is celebrated not just as an archaeological find but as a symbol of human curiosity and the quest for knowledge.

What was the daily life of the egyptians?

They spent ages building tombs

What is importance o science in daily life?

From the first stone tool it MADE your daily life.

How has the Rosetta stone help historians understand Egypts past?

It enables us to read ancient Egyptian writing.

What day was Rosetta stone found?

Nobody is sure of the exact date it was found, which is recorded as mid-July 1799, it is thought either July 15th or July 19th.

What is one way religion has affected Egyptian daily life?

Egyptians are doing rituals, even sacrifices to pay respect and honor to their Gods in their daily life. This is because they believe that catastrophes and natural calamities are caused by the Gods.

What was remarkable about the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb?

the remarkable thing about the tomb is that it helped scholars learn about daily life of Egyptians and ext.

How does religion affect the Egyptian daily life?

Egyptian daily life- If their heart was heavy with sin, the people could not pass on to the after life, so the egyptians tried to do very little sin. -The egyptians would perform scarifices and pray dailyI hope this helps, will improve answer when I find more information.(I'm doing a research project right now)(\__/)( O.o )C(")(")

How how did the Nile effect the Egyptians daily life?

The Nile affected the daily lives of Egyptians in many ways. For an example, everyday, when they were to take a bath the Egyptians went to Nile to cleanse themselves, as only the noblemen could afford actual showers and bathrooms. The Egyptians also went to the Nile to wash their clothes and dishes as well. The Nile was also referred to, when the people became thirsty and needed water to quench their thirst.