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The Romans fought three Mithridatic Wars (88-84 BC, 83-81 BC and 75-63 BC) against Mithridates VI of Pontus.

In the first one, Mithridates invaded Cappadocia (in eastern present day Turkey) and the Roman province of Asia (in western Turkey) where he slaughtered the local Romans. He established a foothold in Greece, and incited several Greek states to rebel against the Romans in Greece and its allied state, Bithynia (in northwestern Turkey). In the ensuing war Rome won. Many Greek cities rebelled against Mithridates. Mithridates had to withdraw, but was allowed to retain this kingdom of Pontus.

The second war was started by a Roman General stationed in the area (Lucius Licinius Murena) on his own accord, claiming that Mithridates was threatened the Roman province of Asia. There were just skirmishes and Murena suffered a defeat. Rome ordered the restoration of peace.

The third war followed the bequest of the kingdom of Bithynia to Rome by its last king of Pontus. Mithridates had allied with Sertorius, a Roman general who led a rebellion in Spain against Lucius Cornelius Sulla's rival political faction. Mithridates invaded Bithynia while Rome was busy in Spain. The mentioned rebellion ended the following year, releasing Roman troops for this war. Mithridates made an alliance with Tigranes, the king of Armenia. Rome had to fight against both kingdoms, but won the war. Pontus and Armenia were turned into client states.

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Q: What did the Roman republic do to end the threat of King Mithridates?
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Who was the first Roman king after the fall of the Roman republic?

There was none. The Romans hated even the word king and would never tolerate one. However after the fall of the Roman republic Octavian/Augustus was the "princeps" or first citizen. We call him an emperor, not a king.

Why did many senators consider Caesar as a threat?

Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.

Who took the place of the king in the Roman Republic?

two elected consuls.

Why did the roman senate resent Caesar's growing power?

It was only a minority of senators who were unhappy with Caesar's growing power. Caesar had filled the senate with his supporters. These senators thought that Caesar wanted to become a king and bring the Roman Republic to an end. They equated a king with tyranny. The Republic had been created some 500 years earlier when the last king of the Roman monarchy was deposed in a rebellion because he was a tyrant. The Romans decided to abolish the monarchy and established the Republic whose purpose was to prevent the return of tyranny and preserve liberty. Thus they felt that Caesar was a threat to the Republic and the liberty which was associated with it and a man who wanted to become a tyrannical king.

What was the Roman Republic formed in response to?

The Roman Republic was established during a rebellion which overthrew Tarquinius Superbus, the last king of Rome. The Romans decided to do away with the monarchy to prevent the return of tyranny.

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What Roman commander ultimately defeated King Mithridates VI in 66 to 63 BC?

Pompey the Great.

How was the Roman Republic?

the Roman Republic was created because the people no longer trusted a single king. so in about 264B.C. they created the roman republic

How republic was a roman republic?

The Roman Republic was a republic fully because it was not ruled by a king or other aristocrats. This is the definition of a republic. That is all you need to be a republic. A republic can be a democracy, an oligarchy or a dictatorship, so long as it is not ruled by a king or other aristocrats.

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Who was the first Roman king after the fall of the Roman republic?

There was none. The Romans hated even the word king and would never tolerate one. However after the fall of the Roman republic Octavian/Augustus was the "princeps" or first citizen. We call him an emperor, not a king.

Why did many senators consider Caesar as a threat?

Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.Certain senators considered Caesar a threat because he had accumulated too much power for one man. The Roman republic was founded upon the idea of the Senate and the Roman people being the rulers. The two consul system was initiated to insure that no one man would have total rule like a king. Caesar had overturned this and had all the powers of a king and showed no sign of relinquishing any of it. The senators felt that the republic was in danger with someone like Caesar as the head of state.

How was The Roman Republic founded?

Patricians overthrew an Etruscan king.

What are some limitations of the monarchy of the roman republic?

A Republic is not a monarchy, it does not have a king. Several republics were formed when a monarchy was overthrown. The Roman Republic was one such case. They got rid of the kings

Who took the place of the king in the Roman Republic?

two elected consuls.

What type of government did the Romans create in 509 B.C.?

In 509 BC the Romans created the Roman Republic after overthrowing the last king of Rome, who was a tyrant, in a rebellion and deciding to abolish the Roman Monarchy.

When did the Roman Republic officially begin?

The Roman Republic officially began in the year 509 BC, when the Romans overthrew the last Etruscan king, and founded the SPQR, which was the basis of ruling for the Republic.

Which was Mozart's fifth opera?

Mozart's 5th opera was Mithridates, King of Pontus.