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The Persians did not come from Mesopotamia - they were a vassal of Media, which they took over and then with their help, conquered the Babylonian Empire in Mesopotamia. They then expanded this empire to include all the Middle East, Egypt and east as far as today's Pakistan. This empire lasted for two hundred years until taken over by Alexander the great.

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10y ago

The Persian Empire was a vast and strong empire that accomplished numerous things. One of the most notable was the system of government within the empire. The Persians were able to control their land by establishing satraps, or kings that ruled semi dependently of the Persian king. Another accomplishment was their economy; they set up a system of coinage and trade throughout their entire empire. Lastly would be the architecture the Persians created. They built several palace in the City of Persepolis as well as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

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13y ago

Ancient Persia Conquered Greece and killed the Spartans that's 1

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Q: What did the Persians of Mesopotamia do?
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When the Persians took over Mesopotamia?

The Persians conquered the Babylonian Empire in 539 BCE.

When did Persians take over Mesopotamia?

539 BCE.

Who was the first cities to invaded by the Persians?

The initial Persian expansion was against the cities of Mesopotamia.

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He lived in Mesopotamia, during which time the Persians were an obscure tribe to the east.

Where does perfume originate from?

Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt and was further refined by the Romans and Persians.

Where was the homeland of the Persians?

Just to east if the plains of Mesopotamia is a region mountains ,tains ,valleys ,and deserts that is today the nation of Iran.

What are the names of the two groups that settled in Mesopotamia following the Sumerians?

The Assyrians were in Mesopotamia. They were eventually conquered by Media and Babylonia. Babylonia was the next civilization that settled in Mesopotamia. This group was then conquered by the Persians, who extended their empire all the way to Asia Minor, or what is now Turkey.

What kind of people lived in Mesopotamia?

people such as the Persians, Babylonians, Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935, and modern day countries partially in mesopotamia are turkey, Iraq, and syria. mesopotamia has also been occupied by Alexander's empire (The greek empire), the roman empire, and the byzantine empire.

How did the terrain in Mesopotamia aid the Persian army in combat?

For the most part the level terrain in Mesopotamia aided the Persians in battlefield actions.They made mobility a vital factor in battles especially when utilizing their chariots. This war vehicle worked better on flat land than on rough terrain. The Persians would have chariots built that had room for two warriors. The driver and the warrior armed with a javelin and later a bowman. Also, in close combat, the driver had available to him a spear. This aided them and if need be they could dismount and be a pair of soldiers armed to fight in close quarters.

Did rome conquer Egypt?

The Babylonian civilisation had already disappeared by the time of the Romans. Their area, Mesopotamia has come under the Persians. Trajan conquered it from the Persians, but Hadrian gave it back to them to maintain peace. Later Mesopotamia was conquered again.

When did the name changed?

The name "Babylon" has never changed. It refers to a specific Kingdom/Empire that existed in the region of Mesopotamia, but not the land that it controlled. When it was overthrown by the Achaemenid Persians in the 530s BCE, the empire disappeared and its citizens simply became Babylonian Persians or splintered back into their diverse pre-Babylonian ethnicities such as Judean, Aramean, Assyrian, etc. The name Iraq did not come to the fore until the Arab conquest of the area from the Sassanid Persians in 634 C.E. and Iraq simply was the Arabic name for Mesopotamia (which was a Greek name for the region).

Why can one say that Mesopotamia had many faces?

The phrase may refer to the many nations that inhabit or have inhabited the area since Mesopotamia has been known to be the seat of many civilizations and peoples such as the Assyrians, Babalonians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and now countries like Iraq and Isreal.