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Food... like non-perishable items

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Q: What did the Mormons eat on the trips on the Mormon trail?
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What food did the Mormons take with them on the Mormon Trail?

They took whatever they could carry, which wasn't much. For a long time, they ate flour mixed with water (cooked). They ate what they could hunt as well... but most of the time, they didn't eat much, which is why many died.

Why don't Mormons in Utah eat salmon?

Hey, who said we followers of Christ don't eat salmon. We can eat fish and we can't eat anything that has caffeine. Because we follow The Word Of Wisdom. Besides many mormons eat fish. nothing wrong with it, cuz i give proteins. I am a Mormon and I live in Utah and raised in the church and love to read the Book of Mormon. And I don't like fish but I do like crab or whatever it is called. anyhow hope you now know we eat salmon

Can Mormons fish?

Yes of course! Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are welcome to fish, and many enjoy it as a hobby. The Church has no official doctrines or guidelines about fishing. Mormons are asked not to kill animals senselessly, so Mormons who hunt and fish are encouraged to eat what they catch.

What type of food do the Mormon people eat on festvals?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) don't really have any unique festivals. Mormons celebrate Christmas and Easter as well as national holidays. They also participate in local events such as fairs and festivals. They eat whatever foods are common in their culture or family, but avoiding alcohol, coffee, tobacco, and drugs. Check out the "Related Links" to learn more about Mormons.

Do Mormons feed at night?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) may eat whenever they want, although most stick with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

What type of food did Mormons EAT?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) eat whatever foods they enjoy or whatever foods are common in their country or culture. Mormons believe that their bodies are sacred gifts from God and are encouraged to eat a healthy diet high in grain, vegetables, and fruit withsmall amounts of meat.However, they are not opposed to enjoying an occassionaltreat (cookies, cake, candy, etc). Mormons avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco, and harmful or addictive substances, but will otherwise eat whatever they want or have.

When locusts swarmed in to eat Mormon crops what followed and ate them?

It was the Mormon Cricket, not locusts, that swarmed and began to destroy the Mormon's crops. The "Mormon Cricket" is actually not a cricket at all, it is a migratory shieldbacked katydid common in many western states. Mormon Crickets are known to periodically form large swarms, which is exactly what happened to the Mormons. The Mormon's crops were saved by California Gulls, which came in and ate the crickets. Today, Utah's state bird is the California Gull, in honor of their saving the Mormon pioneers in this "Miracle of the Gulls".

Are Mormons allowed to eat sugur?

Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the 'Mormon' church) eat sugar. Sugar is in nearly everything even pasta and vegetables! The Mormon health code - the Word of Wisdom - does not mention anything about sugar. It suggests whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and occassional meat. It prohibits consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, and tobacco. Mormons try to eat healthy, but interpret the health code for themselves. Some may choose to avoid foods high in sugar such as candies and desserts, but most do not.

What do Mormons eat traditionally?

They believe that tobacco, and caffeine are bad for the body, and therefore try to refrain from the use of these things. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as Mormons) adhere to a code of health, known as the Word of Wisdom, that advocates a healthy diet, including moderate use of meat and abstinence from coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and harmful drugs. Mormons also store food for use in emergencies. Additionally, members of the Church donate money regularly to the Church's extensive welfare program to provide food and other necessities to others in need. Visit for more information.

Why are Mormon men's wives so pretty?

Welll, not all Mormon women are pretty, but many people have said that Mormon women tend to be more attractive than other women. This could be due to a few different factors. Mormons tend to have healthier lifestyles - they eat healthy, avoid alcohol and tobacco, and are focused on taking care of their bodies. Studies have shown that they also tend to be happier, which can sometimes contribute to how they look. Check out the "Related Links" below to see photos of Mormon women, decide for yourself if they are more attractive than other women.

Can Mormons eat bread made with beer?

It is up to the individual Church member to make that decision for himself/herself. Typically when cooking with beer or wine, the alcohol is burned off in the cooking process. Because of this, most Mormons don't have a problem eating foods cooked with beer or wine, as the Mormon health code prohibits the consumption of alcohol, not the hops, grapes, etc. If you are making the bread as a gift for a Mormon, you might want to consider using a beer with a very low or no alcohol content, such as O'Douls. Then you can assure them that you used a non-alcoholic beer and there is no alcohol in the bread.

Why do Mormons eat meat sparingly?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that God has revealed a code of health called the "Word of Wisdom". This health code says: "Flesh of beasts and fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing to me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine." (D&C 89:12-13) The code puts an emphasis on grains, fruits, and vegetables. Ideally, therefore, Mormons should eat meat sparingly. However, most Mormons focus on the prohibitions of the Word of Wisdom (coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol) and don't move on to the other suggestions. Many Mormons, especially in the United States where meat is popular, eat meat for nearly every meal. However, there are also Mormons who are vegan. Mormons believe that the Word of Wisdom is up for personal interpretation, and therefore do not all practice it in the same way.