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A purple triangle.

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Q: What did the Jehovah Witnesses have to wear during the Holocaust?
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What color triangle were the Jehovah's Witnesses forced to wear in the camps?

It was purple

Did Hitler kill Jehovahs witnesses?

Hitler did kill Jehovah's Witnesses, not just Jews. In the concentration camps Jehovah's Witnesses had to wear a purple triangle, similarly, Jews wore the star of David.

What symbol were Jehovah's witnesses forced to wear in German camps?

Purple triangles

What is the likes and Differences of Jehovah's witnesses and Mennonite churches?

Likes: We both wear formal clothes for our meetings. Differences: Only Jehovah´s witnesses preach worldwide door to door.

Do Jehovahs witnesses men wear long sleeve shirts?

Jehovah's Witnesses have no rule to how long their sleeves are so long as they are modest.

Can Jehovah's Witnesses wear camouflage?

Camouflage clothing is generally associated with armed forces which Witnesses have no part of. Therefore it would seem to me to be something unacceptable to most Witnesses.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses wear hospital gowns and use hospital sheets?

If we are a patient in a hospital, yes.