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Q: What did the Irish eat before potatoes?
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Why do Irish have potatoes?

So they can eat them.

Do Irish people eat?

They're known for eating potatoes, but India for example eat more potatoes per person.Pasta, potatoes, Pizza, same as most other people.The above answer is stereotypical. Not all Irish people eat inordinate amounts of meat and potatoes. Shock shock Horror horror, other food such as pasta, vegetables, fish and fruit can be found in Ireland. they LOVE french friesIn Ireland the Irish eat Irish dishes. There are lots of potatoes as they are the staple food.

What do they eat at Dublin?

Irish staple meal is potatoes and potatoes still feature inmany Irish meals like potat scones, potato muffins. More Irish dishes are soda bread and Irish stew

What do Irish people eat?

They're known for eating potatoes, but India for example eat more potatoes per person.Pasta, potatoes, pizza, same as most other people.The above answer is stereotypical. Not all Irish people eat inordinate amounts of meat and potatoes. Shock shock horror horror, other food such as pasta, vegetables, fish and fruit can be found in Ireland. they LOVE french friesIn Ireland the Irish eat Irish dishes. There are lots of potatoes as they are the staple food.

What foods do the Irish eat?

They eat stuff like corn beef, potatoes, cabbage, and they like beer.

When do you eat Irish Potatoes?

They can be eaten for many meals, so mainly at dinner and lunch. They are common in many Irish meals.

What kinds of food do Irish people like to eat?

cabbage, potatoes ,stew ,coddle

Did Catherine Parr eat fish and chips?

She would certainly have eaten fish, and perhaps potatoes, but the potatoes would most likely have been Hayman potatoes, not the Irish potatoes that we are familiar with.

What food did Irish immigrants bring to America?

They brought potatoes and irish chedder

What is the food that they eat in Ierland?

potatoes, mince or beef, gravy and vegetables is the average dinner for every Irish family.

How did potatoes almost destroy the Irish?

There was a famine in Ireland starting in the middle of the 1840s, which was caused by potato blight destroying potatoes. Potatoes formed a major part of the diet of Irish people, so when the famine struck, many Irish people died and many emigrated. Even today, the population of Ireland has not reached the level it was before the famine.

What is important to the Irish?